Dr. M. H. Faruquee is one public health expert of the country having more than 23 years of experience in Occupational and environmental health, nutrition, health promotion, adolescent health, health care services, community and local Government institutional development. Currently he is attached as Associate Professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS). He is one of the contributors of a number of researches in the field of public health. Some of the study/researches have been published in abroad (27) and in country (64) professional journals. He contributed in developing a good number of training and communication modules/manuals/materials on occupational and environmental health, nutrition and hygiene related issues organized by different international and national level organizations. He worked in a number of projects as a Consultant, where he worked with rural community people and LGIs. Throughout his activities he also proved his capacity in policy making, organizational capacity building and strategy development, network development among government non-government high officials and professionals, community development program and organization management as well.
Dr. Faruquee conducted some survey, researches and evaluation studies as Public Health Expert with Asian Development Bank, World Bank, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, DFID, JICA, WaterAid, World Vision and GTZ.